BSP Partnership Offer
The BSP (Brent Schools Partnership) is a collaborative organization led by schools, for schools, and with schools, dedicated to enhancing educational provision across its network. By fostering partnerships and embracing an outward-looking approach, the BSP strives to ensure the flourishing of all children and young people within the communities it serves. With an emphasis on school-led agenda-setting and facilitated by School Improvement Specialists (SIS), the BSP promotes peer support, peer moderation, research participation, and sharing of best practices among its member schools. Through core packages offering access to educational consultants, SIS support, and professional development opportunities, schools can engage with the BSP's services either through membership or as non-members, with additional bespoke services available at members and non-members rates.
The BSP aims to cultivate an inclusive and supportive environment where schools can collaborate effectively to enhance their improvement journey. Beyond core offerings, the BSP provides specialized services such as GDPR support and governance reviews, ensuring comprehensive support tailored to each school's needs. Whether as a member or non-member, the BSP welcomes inquiries and conversations about how it can best support individual schools in their quest for continuous improvement.
BSP Offer Price List
School Improvement Specialists and
School Support
Middle Leaders Network
and CPD programmes
Senior Leadership Networking
and Development