Our Protocols
Treat everyone with respect and act with courtesy, diplomacy and sensitivity
Always work collaboratively and transparently with schools and other organisations to provide professional challenge and support
Respect the autonomy of schools and recognise that, in the main, schools are best placed to determine the nature and extent of the support they need to improve
Recognise that sustainable improvements in schools and other education bodies can only happen from within, with external challenge and support providing the catalyst for change and development
Respect the confidentiality of all information received; any information may only be shared with the school or organisation contracting work from the Partners for Excellence
Ensure that any evaluations of a school’s performance are based on reliable evidence and are reported fairly and accurately. A rigorous analysis of the performance and other data provided by the school, and other evidence gathered first hand are critical
Whilst ensuring an uncompromising focus on enabling the school and organisations to improve, recognise that context and local challenges will impact on the quality of provision and outcomes for pupils
Always assist schools and organisations by providing clear recommendations for action to address any weaknesses, and where required assist the school or organisation in securing any additional high quality support and resources they require.
Immediately report any issues regarding the safety and well-being of pupils to the Headteacher and the Partners for Excellence Strategic Lead