School Improvement
School improvement requires constant evaluation, review, challenge, strategy-planning and implementation. An honest, reliable, objective assessment from an external person can be an incredibly valuable part of this process.
Effective schools are run by governors, headteachers and management teams who are aware of their strengths and areas for development. Of equal importance is a clear vision and direction to which everyone subscribes. Schools with challenging goals, high expectations and excellent standards are well prepared for the various demands placed upon them.
School Health Check
Schools have the opportunity to use the Partners for Excellence consultants to provide them with a School Health Check Offer. This could be used in preparation for an Ofsted inspection, for an annual audit of progress or used as an external, objective review of a specific area.
Having an external team to assess a school’s present position can both affirm and challenge the school’s perceived situation.
A confidential review of progress is a valuable tool that can be supportive, informative and empowering. This enables schools to be informed, aware and prepared. Schools may choose to seek pre-inspection support which includes support for self-evaluation, support in completing a high-quality Self Evaluation Form (SEF), and support to improve key areas of the school’s work. Partners for Excellence can provide sessions to schools immediately prior to, and during an inspection and after an inspection.
Schools’ Reputation Management Service
The service does two things. Firstly, support schools in improving their reputation through effective marketing and PR. Secondly, to support schools in managing the media and their reputation at a time of challenge or “crisis”.
Achieving Excellence in the Quality of Education
This successful programme has been carefully constructed to support schools in developing outstanding provision and practice. As well as centrally held sessions, schools are able to visit schools with outstanding practice. 35 schools from across London have participated so far.
School Improvement Specialists
The Brent Schools Partnership (BSP) is a creative and dynamic initiative which is aimed at all schools in Brent “improving on their previous best”, and to achieve the best possible outcomes for all their pupils.
Membership of the BSP provides schools with a range of benefits which include:
Bespoke support based on the needs, priorities and aspirations of individual schools. This is through 5 days of bespoke support and challenge delivered by highly experienced and credible “School improvement specialists” (SIS).
To access their bespoke support, BSP member schools may indicate their first, second and third preference of the SIS that would be best suited to the context and needs of the school. The school will then be allocated the Specialist who will provide the bespoke support and will broker additional support if required
Only those who have a strong track record and high-level expertise have been approved by the BSP Board. All School Improvement Specialists will be operating within a consistent framework for school improvement developed by the BSP. Consistency and quality are paramount and therefore BSP has in place a range of Quality Assurance processes which includes and annual feedback from schools on the quality an impact of the support and challenge from the BSP.