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Governors Support
Partners for Excellence offer a range of products and services tailored specifically to Governing Bodies.
Bespoke Governing Board Audits
The whole bespoke Governing Board audit provides an opportunity for the Board to engage in a supported rigorous evaluation of their effectiveness and impact. These audits are led by Specialists in school governance.
External Advice to the Governing Board on Headteacher Performance Management
Our School Improvement Specialists have extensive experience of providing advice to Governing Bodies on Headteachers Performance Management. This can either be part of the partner school entitlement bespoke support or be at an additional cost.
Termly Briefing, Networking/CPD for Governors
BSP Weekly Briefings
The BSP Briefings summaries recent key developments of the previous week, of which school leaders should be aware. Deepti Bal is leading on this work for the BSP.
To find out more about becoming a partner school please visit out Partnership Offer section.
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